Kind Regards
Mr Andrew, Mr Phil
What day does my child have their PE lessons?
5B & 5A
1A, 1B & 4B
3A, 2B, 4A, Year 9
3B, 2A,Year 6 & 10
Year 8 & 7
What does your child need for PE lessons?
- White soled shoes (nearly all new running shoes are white soled.) This is to make sure it doesn't mark the gymnasium floor. It is essential that students have different sport shoes for inside / outside as we don't want mud being brought into the school.
- Shorts / tights / shirts / tracksuit pants that allow easy movement.
- No jeans / dresses / skirts
- No jewellery
- Raincoat / Wellingtons (We do live in Norway)
If a child continues to wear inappropriate clothing then they will be unable to participate and an email will be sent to the parents.
Use of the Gymnasium
Every child in the school will have a 90 minute lesson each week. That day will be their PE day for the entire school year. I encourage all children to wear their P.E clothes to school that day as it saves them having to change which takes up part of their lesson.
As we have to share the Gymnasium with another school there is therefore a limited amount of slots available. Unfortunately, this year 1,2,3 and 4 will not be using the gymnasium during their P.E lessons. However, since the school underneath us will not move in until later in the year then that means at the moment all students have access to the Gymnasium. In regards to later in the year slots are available throughout the week if a teacher in the early years wishes to take them to the Gymnasium. Students in grades 1,2,3 and 4 have a new indoor room which is much larger then previous years to perform activities inside while we also have access to the local Football field and forest. Special events have also been organised for year 1,2,3 and 4 throughout the year to compensate such as Under 8's day, Forest trips, Swimming and Sports Days
Approaches to Learning
We need PE in our Schools
Time for BLIME!
Below is the link for the new Blime Danse for 2018. This is a whole school dance designed to promote movement, fun and fitness. Be sure to practice, we don't have long.
Cross Country date set!
24th September
Cross Country Club
Monday - 7.30am - 8.30am
Meet in the Gymnasium. Do not be late!
Cross Fit Club
Beginning 30th of August
Thursday - 2.45 - 3.50
Meet in the Gymnasim
New PE equipment for PYP PLayground!